"There are plenty of moments on stage where you think, "If one of my boobs just fell out right now..." "I feel comfortable as a young woman - a young, modern, liberal person. I feel comfortable with my sexuality. However, I am protective of my private life. I don't think that if you are in the public eye your life is public. I am an actor. But you can't take things too seriously." |
"I don't have a Facebook or a Twitter account, and I don't know how I feel about this idea of, "Now, I'm eating dinner, and I want everyone to know that I'm having dinner at this time," or "I just mailed a letter and dropped off my kids." That, to me, is a very strange phenomenon. I can't think of anything I'd rather do less than have to continuously share details of my everyday life. I guess they [celebrities] use it in a way that works for them. But I'd rather that people had less access to my personal life. If I could keep it that way, I'd be a happy lady."