Abandoned at birth due to his hideous appearance by his aristocratic parents, he spends his life living in the sewers of Gotham City. His real intentions are to dispose of every first-born aristocratic son in Gotham City out of vengeance against his parents for abandoning him as a child.
Batman Returns: Penguin 1/4th Scale Action Figure (Danny DeVito) |
Introducing our first-ever action figure from Batman Returns! Penguin, featuring the likeness of actor Danny DeVito, whose memorable performance as the twisted Oswald Cobblepot in the 1992 movie still defines the character. The fully poseable figure stands 15″ tall and features synthetic hair and a movie-authentic sculpt. Comes with a removable fabric coat, removable top hat, “Cobblepot for Mayor” mini-poster, monocle, cigarette in holder, half-eaten fish and additional right hand accessories.
Mortal Kombat is based on the popular Mortal Kombat series of fighting games by Midway. Once every generation, there is an ancient tournament known as Mortal Kombat, which was designed by the Elder Gods for the main purpose to save Earthrealm from the dark forces of Outworld.
Movie, TV, Game and Celebrity News. Film and Television Memorabilia: Masterpiece Action Figures, Statues, Costumes and many more Collectibles
December 2018
Online MarketplaceOfficially licensed: film / television program PROPS, COSTUMES (Screen Worn Wardrobe Set) and Collectible FIGURES